Thursday 20 December 2018

Islam promotes unity, opposes divisions in society: speakers

ISLAMABAD: Speakers at a seminar here on Wednesday stressed that Islam is the religion of peace, unity and harmony which discourages divisions in a society on the basis of religious beliefs, ethnicity, caste and creed.The event titled ‘Muslim Unity and Role of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in Promotion of Peace in Society’ was organized by the Islamic Research Institute (IRI) here at the Faisal Mosque Campus.Religious Affairs Minister Noor ul Haq Qadri was chief guest on the occasion. Islamic International University (IIUI) President Dr Ahmad Yousuf Al Darwesh, who is originally from Saudi Arabia, IIUI Rector Prof Dr Masoom Yasinzai and IRI Director General Dr Ziaul Haq also spoke on the occasion. A large number of students and faculty members from the IIUI participated in the ceremony.In their addresses, the speakers called for promotion of the true message of humanity given in the ‘Madina Charter’ for salvage of the Muslims caught up in the clash of interests in Pakistan as well as different regions of the world, adding that the association of humanity with the ‘Madina Charter’ for the resolution of the issues was because it guaranteed the fundamental rights of economy, justice and education for all.“Being Muslims, we aspire for peace in the whole world and desire progress, prosperity and welfare for the entire humanity,” Religious Affairs Minister Noor ul Haq Qadri said. “It is only through peace and unity and collective efforts that we can rid the country and the Muslim Ummah of the menaces of extremism, sectarianism and terrorism and build peaceful societies in the light of the teachings of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him),” he said, and cited recent efforts made by Pakistan for promotion of peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan and Yemen. IIUI President Dr Ahmad Yousuf Al Darwesh highlighted the role being played by Saudi Arabia in promotion of peace, unity, tolerance, coexistence and diversity in the Muslim Ummah. He also discussed ways to support constructive dialogue among different cultures and religions and emphasized the importance of respecting and upholding the basic principles of justice and human rights.“Saudi Arabia is focused on peaceful solutions to several conflicts and is undertaking various mediation efforts. The historic peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea facilitated by Saudi Arabia illustrates the role being played by Riyadh for promotion of peace,” he said. Affirming that terrorism and extremism remain a major challenge for the world, including his own country, Darwesh said an assembly of institutions has already been established by Saudi Arabia to strengthen the fight against violent extremism and terrorism.Addressing the participants, IRI Director General Dr Zial ul Haq said Paigham-e-Pakistan initiative of the government of Pakistan was the best tool to deal with growing extremism and intolerance in the society and to encourage the youth towards positive and constructive activities in order to realise the dream of building a peaceful society. “This initiative can guarantee a safe and peaceful future for our next generations by ridding the society of hatred and prejudices,” he added. —PR

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