Bollywood actor Disha Patani is the latest target of social media users who are trolling the star for a brand endorsement Instagram post that went embarrassingly wrong.The 26-year-old Baaghi 2 actor became a laughing stock after she updated her Instagram caption for a promotional post that was chockfull of blunders leading a number of internet trolls towards the actor.In the promotional caption were a few words that were definitely not meant to be part of the final public endorsement: "Hey - final video is here. Will mail you the high res video in something so please use that as the final video to be uploaded. Caption below," read the post.The gaffe soon turned the star into a spectacle in front of her 17.2 million followers while having terms like 'advertising agency nightmare' attached to her.In spite of the post getting deleted later form the profile, there were ample screenshots circulating that prove that a mistake made on the internet cannot be erased that easily.
from The News International - Entertainment
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