Indian cricket stalwarts Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul found themselves embroiled in a controversy after they made sexist, disturbing comments about women on Karan Johar chat show Koffee with Karan. The duo's derogatory comments had upset a number of people who criticised them two for disrespecting women.While the two later apologised for their statements, host Karan Johar, had kept mum on the entire issue.However, breaking his silence recently, the top film director has come forth claiming full responsibility of whatever happened.“I have to say that I feel very responsible because it was my show, it was my platform. I invited them as guests and so the ramifications and repercussion of the show are my responsibility. I have had so many sleepless nights just wondering about how I can undo this damage, who is going to listen to me. It’s now gone into a zone which is beyond my control,” said Karan Johar. Speaking about the backlash that KL Rahul and Hardik have received over the controversial episode, he said, “I regret what has happened to them. And, then there was talk about me actually enjoying the TRP, I don’t care about the TRPs.”Karan went on to add that he is not trying to justify the disrespectful comments made on the show.“I am just saying that I think that perhaps things were said that may have crossed boundaries and I apologise because it was my platform from where it happened. I feel the boys have faced the price for it already,” he said.
from The News International - Entertainment
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