A viral video of Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif playing cricket has left everyone stoked including the Preity Zinta, co-owner of Indian Premier League team Kings XI Punjab. Katrina Kaif left everyone in surprise when she uploaded a video of herself striking some shots on the sets of her upcoming film ‘Bharat’ on Tuesday. She even requested Anushka Sharma to put a word with Indian captain Virat Kohli for her ahead of the 2019 World Cup. While her batting skills were lauded by a number of colleagues from the industry, it was also noticed by actress Preity Zinta.Preity reacted on Katrina's Instagram post and wrote 'Babe we should hire you,' definitely hinting at her IPL franchise. Katrina too was quick to respond as she replied, "@realpz do it pz come on let me play."Katrina’s video has created a lot of buzz in the grapevine. The ‘Zero’ actress had said, “Pack up ke baad #bharat sets as the World Cup nears @anushkasharma perhaps u could put in a small word for me with the captain of the team. Some room for improvement in my swing, but over all not a bad all rounder #apnatimeaayega@kkulsumsyeda.”
from The News International - Entertainment http://bit.ly/2HvplRl
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