Friday 29 March 2019

Data shows NAB most bloated, top-heavy body

ISLAMABAD: The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is the most bloated top heavy body in the main federal secretariat and it even beats the all-important federal divisions like the Foreign Affairs, Finance and Planning Development and Reforms.Annual Statistical Bulletin of Federal Government Employees for the year 2017-18 shows there are a total of 21,144 employees working in the main federal secretariat. These employees include 4,034 in BS-17-22 and 17,110 in BS 1-16.“For BS 17-22 out of actual working strength of 4,034 the major part 13.09% is working in the National Accountability Bureau,” the report reveals. It means the NAB has almost 528 officers in BS 17 and above.About the position of employees in the Main Secretariat, the Bulletin said, “There are a total of 21,144 employees working in main secretariat, out of those 4,034 are in BS 17-22 and 17,110 in BS 1-16. For BS 17-22 out of actual working strength of 4,034, the major part 13.09% is working in National Accountability Bureau.The Foreign Affairs Division ranks 2nd with 12.27% of the actual strength of BS 17-22. Information & Broadcasting Division with 6.79%, Planning Development & Reform Division with 5.73% and Finance Division with 5.28% share stand third, fourth and fifth respectively.”Even in the category of low scale employees- BS 1-16-, the NAB has the second largest number. It raises the question that with such a large number of employees whether the Bureau is doing the kind of work and produced the results expected from it.However, NAB officials said they were working to the best of their capability and producing the required results.With regard to 17,110 Federal Government employees in BS 1-16 working in secretariat, the Bulletin shows, maximum employees i.e. 10% are in Foreign Affairs Division, followed by the National Accountability Bureau with 8.38%, Finance Division, National Assembly Secretariat and Senate Secretariat with 5.60%, 4.77% and 4.55% share respectively.Analysis of data shows that the size of Federal Government in respect of sanctioned and actual working strength of its civil employees is 660,657 and 581,240 respectively. Out of total sanctioned strength 87.98% posts are filled, whereas 12.02% posts are vacant in various Ministries/Divisions and organizations during the year 2017-18.The distribution of actual strength shows that a small share of 4.98% is occupied by the officers working in basic scales 17-22, whereas 95.02% is occupied by employees working in basic scales 1-16, which is a very large share in the total number of Federal Government civil servants.According to the Annual Statistical Bulletin, the total sanctioned posts are 660657, filled-in posts are 581240, while the number of vacant position is 79417. The total number of female employees is 32334 whereas non-Muslim employees are 16711. The total strength of the employees of Occupational Groups (CSS officers) is 6298 which include 1082 female employees of Occupational Groups.The Secretariat Employees Sanctioned Posts are 25329, filled-in posts are 21144 and vacant positions are 4185. Female secretariat employees are 1305.Sanctioned strength of the employees of Attached/ Subordinate Departments Sanctioned is 635328 whereas the filled-in posts are 560096 leaving 75232 posts vacant.In regard to autonomous bodies and corporations, the Bulletin shows that in such entities under the federal government the total strength sanctioned is 492564, which include 76676 officers and 415888 staff members. Filled-in posts are 397487 that include 67842 officers and 329645 staff.Total vacant posts in corporations and autonomous bodies are 95077, which include 8834 posts for officers and 86243 position for the staff.Female employees’ number in such entities is 20084, which include 6753 women officers and 13331 women staff members. Domicile wise employees include 222839 from Punjab, 86131 from Sindh, 58925 from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 17245 from Balochistan, 3499 from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, 3090 from Gilgit Baltistan and 5758 from Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

from The News International - National


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