Highly-anticipated Bollywood film Kalank released its power-packed, high on emotions trailer recently that has been caught up under a flood of hilarious memes on the social media ever since. It seems like netizens had been eagerly waiting for something to make funny memes out of.‘Kalank’ starring famed Indian actors Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditya Roy Kapur, Madhuri Dixit and Sanjay Dutt has inspired a series of memes produced by meme lords. A train scene from the trailer featuring Alia, Varun and Aditya reminded the viewers about DDLJ’s iconic scenes and is on hit list of memes creator.Another line from the trailer of ‘Kalank’ by Alia ‘Mere pas khone ko kch nhi hai’ is on roll among netizens, asthey are trying to use it in their own relatable situations.‘Kalank’ is a period film directed by Abhishek Verman and produced by Karan Johar.The movie revolves around the pre-independence Indian elite class. It will hit the screens on 19th April, 2019.
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