A day after Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn’s father and Indian director Veeru Devgan passed away, the former’s daughter Nysa Devgn stepped out to head to the salon, fueling the internet trolls. The 16-year-old daughter of B-Town pair Kajol and Ajay Devgn, attracted the internet trolls looking for an excuse to attack her, once again as she stepped out to go to the salon, a day after her grandfather and acclaimed Indian director Veeru passed away. Social media users called out the teenager for not ‘mourning enough’ over the demise of her grandfather and going about her business of getting a salon session. Nysa was donning a strapless crop top with cargo pants as she headed down to the parlor. Meanwhile, pictures and videos have been circulating from the director’s funeral showing Ajay in mourning as well as Kajol using Aishwarya Rai’s shoulder to cry on.
from The News International - Entertainment http://bit.ly/2XduWzl
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